
The Right Place to Push
Your Music Career
Beyond Limits

Register an account with us today and take the musician
in you to new heights.

No joining fee. No CC required.

Worldwide Distribution

Global Music Publishing

YouTube Monetization

Rights Management

More Reasons to Choose
HarDan Music Group

Unlimited Release
on the Go

Release unlimited music and songs
on hundreds of platforms.

Free Detailed
Sales Report

Review the performance and sales across music platforms worldwide

Dedicated Support

A team of experts ready to get you what you want - anytime.


Publish your music in the world's best stores no matter where you are.

Our Stores

Apple Music, Deezer, iTunes, and many more.

Unlimited Opportunities.
Unlimited Money

What holds you back? Join hands with the experts in the niche. We have collaborated with hundreds of music distribution stores worldwide to sell your music online, help you earn revenue, claim your royalties, manage your rights, and grow your career exponentially.

No joining fee. No CC required.

No joining fee. No CC required.